Discovery Biology Services
Crystal Structures

In-house developed crystal structures are ready for distribution, which can be used for compound soaking. Should you find the interested proteins are not included in the following OTS (On The Shelf) list, Viva also offers customized soaking or co-crystllization services with compounds supplied by clients. Please contact us at for more details.


Catalog No. Protein Name  Best Resolution(A)
CS00101 APC 1.5
CS00201 BACE1 1.9
CS00301 Bcl-XL 1.9
CS00401 BPGM 2.5
CS00501 CaMK2a 3
CS00502 CaMK2γ 2.4
CS00601 Cathepsin K 1.8
CS00701 c-MER 2.62
CS00801 CRBN/DDB1 3.1
CS00901 DAAO 1.8
CS01001 DHFR 2.5
CS01101 DNMT1 1.6
CS01201 DPP4 3
CS01301 EGFR 2.8
CS01401 EIF4E 2.4
CS01501 EphA2 2.6
CS01601 EPHB4 2
CS01701 FGFR2 2.95
CS01801 FH 2.1
CS01901 GK 3
CS02001 Glucokinase 3
CS02101 GSK-3ββ 2.1
CS02201 HIV integrase 2.1
CS02301 hsirt3 2.5
CS02401 HSP90-αα 1.32
CS02501 IDO1 3.2
CS02601 IRAK4 2.3
CS02701 KDM4A 2.1
CS02702 KDM5A 2.7
CS02703 KDM6B 2.35
CS02801 KRAS 1.21
CS02901 LDHA 1.7
CS03001 MARK1 2.65
CS03002 MARK2  
CS03003 MARK3 2.9
CS03004 MARK4 1.8
CS03101 MAT2a  
CS03201 MCD 2.5
CS03501 MK2 1.85
CS03601 MMP12 2.05
CS03701 Mms2 2.2
CS03801 NIK 2.8
CS03901 NMDA(GluN1)  
CS04001 P53 1.58
CS04101 PA 2.73
CS04201 PAK1 2.5
CS04202 PAK4 1.48
CS04301 PBP1A 1.78
CS04302 PBP1B 2.8
CS04303 PBP3 2.23
CS04401 PDE10A 1.8
CS04501 PDL1 1.75
CS04601 PheRS 2.7
CS04701 PHF8 2.5
CS04801 PHGDH 1.61
CS04901 PI3K-δ 3
CS04902 PI3K-αα 3
CS04903 PI3K-γγ 2.3
CS05001 PKC-theta 2
CS05101 PKL 2.37
CS05201 PKLR 2.5
CS05301 PPAR-γ 2.1
CS05401 PTP1B 2.3
CS05501 PTPN22 1.8
CS05601 PTPRG 2.05
CS05701 RALA 1.98
CS05801 RALDH1 3
CS05802 RALDH2 2.6
CS05901 SHMT1 1.95
CS05902 SHMT2 1.99
CS06001 SHP1 1.92
CS06101 Sirt1 2.8
CS06102 Sirt2 2.5
CS06103 Sirt6 2.8
CS06201 SPR 1.5
CS06301 STING 2.4
CS06401 Trk-A 2.3
CS06501 TTBK1 2.8
CS06601 WDR5 1.91


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