Viva Biotech was the proud sponsor of SABPA’s 17th San Diego BioPharma Conference and its concurrent 6th Pacific Bio-Partnering event. The event drew a crowd of 600+ professionals working in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry. Program highlights include an inspirational talk by Dr. Jonathan Lim on Ignyta’s unlikely journey from Dx start-up to global personalized healthcare company, a presentation by industry veteran Tom Daniel on the trends, gaps and opportunities for delivering innovation to therapeutic application and the 2018 Breakthrough Prize Winner Dr. Don Cleveland’s translational research on gene silencing therapy. Other extraordinary stories and insights were also shared by the Global head of discovery of JNJ neuroscience therapeutic area Dr. David Bredt and the Chief Research Officer of Neurocrine Biosciences Dr. Dimitri Grigoriadis. Fresh update on the new initiatives of CFDA and its future outlook was given by Dr. Alex Xu, Chief Scientist of CFDA.
The scientific program was followed by a Viva Biotech-sponsored reception. After being introduced by SABPA San Diego chapter president Dr. Stephanie Shi, Viva’s executive director of business development Mrs. Yinghong Gao, who is also a member of the event organizing committee, extended a warm welcome to everyone at the reception. She then gave a brief introduction on Viva’s three main business areas including ①Viva Biology ②Viva Chemistry and ③Viva Biologics. She further highlighted some of viva’s state-of-the-art technology platforms including structural biology, protein expression and purification, lead compound discovery engines (Affinity Selection Mass Spectrometry aka ASMS, SPR, etc.), medicinal chemistry, and therapeutic antibody discovery (hybridoma, phage display, antibody humanization and maturation, Fab-antigen x-ray structure determination). The audience enjoyed the raffle drawing and actively participated in a fun interactive brain teasing session with gift cards rewarded to those who know the answers to the questions related to Viva services or technology platforms. Yinghong concluded that Viva Biotech is a midsized, client-centric and technology-driven CRO enabling both small molecule and biologics drug discovery. Viva will continue to play an important role to help our clients worldwide to succeed in drug discovery.
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