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April 12th, the 12th Viva Live Broadcast officially launched. Mr. Can(Ted) Dong senior investment manager of Viva BioInnovator (VBI) , shared his insights on “Whether targeting RNA with small molecule drugs can break through the ‘undruggable’ barrier from a development strategy perspective”. The development process mainly consists of three steps: the first step is the discovery of small molecules targeting RNA, the second step is target validation, and the third step is optimization of lead compounds. Among them, target validation is crucial, as it is related to the mechanism of action of the small molecule-RNA target binding. In the actual operation process, it is relatively easy to find "small molecule-RNA binding", but it is very difficult to find "small molecule-RNA functional targets binding". Currently, representative methods include mutation induction, chemical cross-linking, ASO, and degradation validation.
Ted believes that the future development of targeting RNA with small molecule drugs is still in the early exploration stage. Apart from Risdiplam, the vast majority of drugs are still in the pre-clinical stage, and it remains to be seen whether they can break the "cannot become drugs" barrier. However, this field is worth exploring and discovering.
The upsurge in the development of targeted small molecule RNA has also driven the heat of the capital market, attracting many major pharmaceutical companies. Ted shared from his own experience that the two dimensions that MNCs are most interested in at present are: first, whether the company has a functional molecule, and second, the discover platform/engine.
Finally, Ted introduced VBI's systematic layout in the field of RNA drugs, which involves portfolio companies such as QurAlis(ASO), DTx(RNAi), Basking(Aptamer), HAYA(lncRNA), Ribogenics(Small Molecule), and Saverna(Small Molecule), covering multiple R&D pipelines from preclinical to phase II clinical trials. He mentioned that with Viva Biotech's rich experience and technological advantages accumulated in the field of new drug R&D for 15 years, VBI will provide professional post-investment management support and continue to build and optimize the biopharmaceutical innovation ecosystem according to various needs of new drug R&D and company growth stages.
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