VivaVision and Acemab Reached a Strategic Collaboration Agreement, To Jointly Develop Antibody Drugs For Fundus Diseases
Time: 2022-05-30
Source: Viva Biotech
[Abstract]:The collaboration integrates the strengths of Acemab’s bispecific antibody discovery platform to enable the development of VivaVision’s sustained-release molecules for the fundus diseases.

Shanghai, China - May 18, VivaVision Biotech, Inc. (VivaVision), invested and incubated by Viva BioInnovator, announced a collaboration with Acemab to co-develop bispecific antibody drugs for fundus diseases.


VivaVision is dedicated to discovery and development of innovative therapies for ocular diseases. Acemab is specialized in providing high quality one-stop antibody discovery services based on the AceMouse™ platform. The collaboration integrates the strengths of Acemab’s bispecific antibody discovery platform to enable the development of VivaVision’s sustained-release molecules for the fundus disease which in the meantime provides a good foundation for the subsequent process development. Dr. Wang Shen, CEO of VivaVision, emphasized that, "AMD and DME are the major fundus diseases that cause vision loss in patients. We hope that this collaboration will provide better treatment options for ophthalmologists and will be beneficial to more patients."

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